
Biochemist and Biophysicist

Average Salary
Degree Requirements
Doctoral's Degree
Comparing biochemists to biophysicists is like comparing apples to oranges – or actually – atoms to molecules. Biochemists study molecular functions, such as how cells metabolize chemical compounds, like food and medicine. Biophysicists focus on atomic functions, and how the laws of physics affect biology, like the effect of zero gravity on plants and animals.
Also known as: Analytical Research Chemist, Chief Scientific Officer, Director of the Biophysics Facility, Professor of Physics/Researcher in Biophysics, Research Scientist
Learning Strategies
Personnel Management
Operations Analysis
Quality Control Analysis
Social Perceptiveness
Systems Analysis
Systems Evaluation
Plan and conduct applied research projects
Manage a laboratory team
Isolate, analyze and synthesize molecules
Study the effects of substances such as hormones, nutrients and pharmaceuticals on tissues and biological processes
Prepare technical reports, research papers and recommendations based on research findings
Present research findings to scientists, engineers and other colleagues
Write grant applications to obtain funding

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