
There is a cyber-attack approximately every 40 seconds, nearly all of which target personal identifying information like names, social security numbers, bank account information and passport numbers. Thankfully, cybersecurity engineers are working to keep sensitive and classified information safe from threats by designing, developing and implementing advanced network solutions. As these IT professionals outsmart would-be hackers, they protect the privacy of consumers and the reputations of businesses and organizations

Ever peeked inside a laptop or cell phone and wondered how it was created? It was likely the work of a computer hardware engineer. Using design methods, problem-solving and logic skills, computer hardware engineers build computer systems and their related components. From processors to memory devices, 3-D printers to self-driving combines, computer hardware engineers shape the future of computer technology.

What does climate change mean for our planetโ€™s future? For the future of our society? Climate change analysts answer these questions by researching and evaluating data to make scientific predictions about our climate systemโ€™s future. They lead the global movement for protecting Earthโ€™s natural resources by using their research to inform world leaders and make actionable recommendations for sustainability.

Chemical engineers are in the business of making chemical manufacturing safe and efficient. They design chemical plant equipment and create processes for chemicals and products that are essential to everyday manufacturingโ€”gasoline, rubber, plastics, detergents, cement, paper and more. And they do it all by applying principles and technology of chemistry, physics and engineering.

How can we grow crops that resist disease, withstand droughts or yield larger produce? Bioengineers solve issues like these by enhancing or augmenting biological processes. This may mean working to develop a transgenic papaya that resists the ringspot virus, a strain of cotton plant that is able to tolerate herbicides or a type of popcorn that produces more kernels. In this way, bioengineers help improve the productivity of crops used for food, fiber and fuel.

Technology makes a lot of our daily tasks easier, but reaching better solutions takes a creative mind that also understands how things work. Todayโ€™s modern agriculture needs individuals who can combine and use creativity and mechanical knowledge to solve agricultural problems concerning power supplies, the efficiency of machinery, the use of structures and facilities, pollution and environmental issues, and the storage and processing of agricultural products.