
With an understanding of all areas of the organization, training and development specialists provide information and modes of training for employees. Additionally, they monitor training costs and prepare budgets for use in training programs or to inform management of training program status. These specialists analyze organizational training needs or evaluate training effectiveness and outcomes.

We only have one earth, and it’s important that we protect it by being environmentally responsible. It’s the role of sustainability specialists to help businesses implement green and sustainable practices that reduce a company’s environmental footprint, ensure compliance with regulations and meet organizational goals and objectives

Technical problems usually don’t have a one-size-fits-all solution and that’s especially true for businesses and organizations with large scale software systems. It’s the job of solutions architects to understand user or functionality issues and resolve them by researching, designing and managing the implementation of solutions. Their work ensures that organizations are able to maximize efficiency and achieve their goals.

Manufacturing engineers use their prowess for efficiency to improve agricultural processes and systems. From manufacturing and industrial machines to entire greenhouse systems, they’re everyone’s go-to on making things work. And they know that the more efficiently and responsibly we use our resources, the greater impact we can have on the world.

Do you love brands? Are you a creative? Graphic designers create a company’s visual identity using a variety of design mediums. From logos to websites, they confer and consult with their client or team to develop a list of assets needed to perform daily operations. If you’re a collaborative, detail-oriented person, graphic design could be the career for you.

Our water supply is, well, less than infinite—and hydrologists are our go-to scientists and activists for conserving it. Their passion for protecting this limited resource, combined with their deep understanding of how water circulates above- and underground, paves the way for more innovative solutions to the evolving environmental, agricultural and societal needs. But it’s not just about water conversation; hydrologists help humans adapt to its unpredictability for a more harmonious coexistence.

Cybercriminals steal and extort businesses, governments and private individuals out of $600 billion yearly—nearly one percent of the global GDP. As this figure increases, so does the demand for information security analysts. Tasked with preventing security breaches, these professionals are the gatekeepers of computer systems. They develop security plans that fit the needs of a business or organization, and then monitor and respond to potential threats.

When organizations are faced with mission critical IT projects—information technology architects serve as their captain. They are both visionary leaders and tech gurus, shaping information systems around the unique needs and challenges of organizations, testing and modifying their plans as needed. IT architects are leaders and communicators, providing oversight and guidance to achieve system goals.

Daily, legal counsels work individually, or collaboratively, to protect and defend their company or clients, while provide legally sounds advice on operations and transactions.

This career is meant for those who love a task with many cascading variables. Logistics managers coordinate production, purchasing, warehousing, distribution, or financial forecasting inventory, services or activities. They are vital to the business by limiting costs and improving accuracy, customer service and safety. Logistics managers examine existing procedures or opportunities for streamlining activities to meet product distribution needs.

This site includes information from O*NET OnLine by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. AgriNovus Indiana has modified all or some of this information. USDOL/ETA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.

In addition to O’Net, AgriNovus Indiana gathered information from several resources. If you would like more information about the data on this site, please contact us at

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