
The world is changing fast in the wildlife kingdom and we need to be able to help wildlife thrive in their natural habitat.  We couldn’t do this without the help of  wildlife biologist and zoologist.  These professionals study the characteristics and behavior of animals – gaining a better understanding of how they interact with each other and their environments. Through breeding programs, informational presentations, and collecting and analyzing biological specimens, zoologists and wildlife biologists work on the front lines of the effort to preserve our planet’s biodiversity.

Remote sensing technicians are known for their keen eyes. They look at a variety of photos—like aerial photography, light and radio wave direction systems, digital satellites and thermal energy systems—to record information that helps us understand how to use the Earth’s land. Because they see things from a different perspective, they’re able to protect our resources and advocate for their best possible use.

Research and development managers help organizations determine if an undertaking will meet business goals. Think about your favorite flavor of ice cream. A research and development manager was likely tasked with overseeing important research into its development – the cost of the ingredients, analyzing consumer trends on nutrition and flavors, and finding efficient and cost-effective methods to produce it. Their findings enable businesses to make informed decisions and make products people love.

Robotics technicians are the tech-savvy individuals that build, install, test and maintain robotic equipment. Their work positively transforms lives and work practices, raises efficiency and safety levels and provides enhanced levels of service. Natural problem solvers, these technicians know automation like the back of their hands.

Are you a natural leader who loves technology? Do you thrive helping others reach their goals? If you answered yes to both, you might want to consider a position as a scrum master. They ensure that the daily projects related to software development are completed efficiently and effectively. They work with all areas of a company to create a seamless collaboration with the software development team. They remove obstacles that might delay the team’s goals and help the team align their work to the company objectives.

Are you a constant learner who likes seeing others succeed? A career as a secondary teacher may be right for you! By applying multiple hands-on teaching methods, secondary teachers help students understand advanced, applicable scientific-based principles. In this setting students, are able to explore careers and educational programs available after graduation. Secondary teachers are instrumental in uplifting the next generation.

Application software developers are the creative minds behind the apps we use every day, and not just the ones on our smartphones. Word processors, games and even internet browsers are all examples of programs created by application software developers. These professionals analyze the needs of businesses and consumers, then leverage their skills in computer science and software engineering to design, test and develop applications that meet those needs.

Just like a theater set designer does for stage production, systems software developers work behind-the-scenes, designing the operating software that enables daily technology production – computers, phones, tablets, routers and more – to work; basically anything that has a chip in it requires a systems software developer to make it operate. Applying the principles of computer science, mathematical analysis and engineering, these professionals research, design, develop and test operating system components, drivers and debuggers to ensure that the daily technology show always go on.

We only have one earth, and it’s important that we protect it by being environmentally responsible. It’s the role of sustainability specialists to help businesses implement green and sustainable practices that reduce a company’s environmental footprint, ensure compliance with regulations and meet organizational goals and objectives

With an understanding of all areas of the organization, training and development specialists provide information and modes of training for employees. Additionally, they monitor training costs and prepare budgets for use in training programs or to inform management of training program status. These specialists analyze organizational training needs or evaluate training effectiveness and outcomes.

This site includes information from O*NET OnLine by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Used under the CC BY 4.0 license. AgriNovus Indiana has modified all or some of this information. USDOL/ETA has not approved, endorsed, or tested these modifications.

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